Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Tybalt Of Our Time?

Okay, I've been slow starting this off, Mainly I've been at Tom's Blog (www.dare2believe.com) listening to what he's had to say about how things are going, but this week Tom's been down about the crap that is going on. Bailout this, Nationalization of that. Life is going to Hell in a hand basket. WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY?!?

The left has thrown their pawns into the mix, and now I introduce: ME!

Like the fiery Tybalt in the great Shakespearean Play, "Romeo and Juliet", so too will I fight the left with my fiery passion for what is good and just in our world. Tybalt met a violent death at the end of Romeo's Blade, if you recall correctly, so shall I, for what I believe to be right in this country, the ability to question what the president is doing is Free Speech, not a lawless act of renegade "Radical Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists" to question your beliefs is natural, to question ANYTHING is normal. To terrorize someone into resist asking questions is forcing them like a sheep to the slaughter. Hell, to even the field, I will question some of what I believe RIGHT HERE:

Q: What if Obama bailing out the Auto Industry was a good idea?

A: Obviously we would see some improvement in not only the company, but the efficiancy of the Vehicles would improve as well, more jobs would be created, and Detriot would actually have a reason to make a larger percentage of the parts there instead of Mexico, and assemble them as well instead of in Canada.

Q: Did any of that happen?

A: Actually, if you look at the way things are going, the only company that is actually improving is the one company that DIDN'T take any of the Bailout money: Ford.

this is your daily dose of medication; ingest it fully, take 3 glasses of fresh orange juice for the boost in Vitamin C that will help your immune system, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, even Liberals will agree with me on my thoughts here.


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